Rekindle for Men


The two most common side effects of stress are sleep problems and low energy levels, resulting in impaired body functions. And we all know how important it is in the 21st century to be at our 100%.
So what’s the fix for this? A naturally made solution for you!
Introducing our Rekindle and Restore Your Sleep combo!

Rekindle For Men:

This testosterone booster supplement is a men’s health supplement in the form of a cocoa bar made up of a unique blend of clinically tested, natural, plant-based extracts meant to give:
– Essential man vitamins that boost immunity.
– Boosts energy levels and stamina.
– Supports hormones
– Elevates mood.

Net Weight: Men: 280 g (20 g x 14N Bars) | Sleep (100g – 10g x 10 units)

Increased energy levels | Enhanced mood | For a restful night’s sleep | Improves sleep cycles

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